Blog et Aide mémoire informatique

mercredi 27 janvier 2021

Is Serverless with Lambda, the “silver bullet”?

My first Medium Article on Serverless Lambda. Is Serverless with Lambda, the “silver bullet”?

mercredi 20 février 2019

Elasticsearch quorum : Split Brain

A quorum is Number of Dedicated Master Nodes / 2 + 1 (rounded down to the nearest whole number), which Amazon ES sets to discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes when you create your domain. In this case, 2 / 2 + 1 = 2. Because one dedicated master node has failed and only one backup exists, the cluster does not have a quorum and cannot elect a new master. nearest whole number), which Amazon ES sets to discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes when you create your domain.

vendredi 11 janvier 2019

Using Mapping into Cloudformation, and openapi Yaml

How to declare a mapping in your cloudformation and use it in your Linked openapi.yml file

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